To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we use a simple average.
To prove that our customer reviews are genuine we label them with our Verified Purchase badge. Click on this to see additional verifying characteristics such as date of purchase and the date we provided a first draft.
Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;
I have ordered express service a few different times, and I have always been impressed with the prompt service and willing to assist. I have been really happy with Naomi, she is an amazing writer, and very helpful. I was not so pleased with the team, however, because prior to ordering, I sent a chat message, plus called, and I never received a response. I was not happy with this at all. I did not have this experience before. The writer however was amazing! I love this service overall and have used many times.